Online Users Info:
No users online.
A lightweight WordPress plugin inspired by the DNN Users Online module. Displays real-time statistics for users, visitors, and membership.
== Description ==
**Users Online** is a simple yet powerful plugin that tracks and displays real-time user activity on your WordPress site. It provides information such as:
– Membership stats (latest member, total members, members in the last 24 hours).
– Current visitors and registered users online.
– A detailed list of registered users currently online.
This plugin was inspired by the popular *DNN Users Online module*, bringing its functionality to WordPress with enhanced customization and styling.
== Features ==
– Displays real-time stats for visitors, members, and total users online.
– Shows membership statistics such as the latest member and total registered members.
– Includes clean, responsive design with customizable icons.
– Easily added via a shortcode: `users_online`.
– Simple integration and lightweight performance.
== Installation ==
1. Download the plugin and upload it to your `/wp-content/plugins/` directory.
2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
3. Use the shortcode `users_online` in any post, page, or widget to display the online user stats.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= How do I display the online stats? =
Simply use the shortcode `users_online` in a post, page, or widget.
= Can I customize the plugin’s style? =
Yes! The plugin includes a CSS file (`users-online.css`) that you can modify to suit your needs.
= Is this plugin inspired by another tool? =
Yes, this plugin was inspired by the DNN Users Online module.
== Screenshots ==
1. Example of the “Users Online” box displaying real-time statistics.
2. Admin settings panel for customization (if applicable).
== Changelog ==
= 1.0 =
* Initial release inspired by the DNN Users Online module.
== Upgrade Notice ==
= 1.0 =
This is the first version of the plugin. No upgrades are needed.
== Credits ==
This plugin was inspired by the **DNN Users Online module**, bringing its functionality and design into the WordPress ecosystem.
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