Immerse yourself in the tranquil yet rugged beauty of The Barrens, one of World of Warcraft\'s most iconic zones. This...
Deep below the city of Dornogal lie The Ringing Deeps. This is the underground portion of the Earthen\'s domain. Here...
The Isle of Dorn is a zone on the surface of Khaz Algar and was introduced in World of Warcraft:...
Netherstorm is a zone in northeastern Outland consisting of several large land fragments and countless smaller shards of rock all...
The Black Temple is the fortress-citadel of Illidan Stormrage, Lord of Outland. It was once known as the Temple of...
During the Burning Legion\'s third invasion of Azeroth, Val\'sharah was assaulted by the satyr lord Xavius and the Emerald Nightmare....
The Dragonblight, also called the Great Dragonblight, is a great dragon graveyard valley, located in southern Northrend. The entrance to...
Dalaran (aka Dalaran City) is a magocratic city-state which was once located by the Lordamere Lake on the Alterac Mountains...
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Shattrath City (aka Shattrath), is a major hub in Outland situated in the northwestern portion of Terokkar Forest. It is...
Terokkar Forest, once known as Talador and the Spires of Arak, is a zone in Outland located east of Nagrand,...
Zangarmarsh, once known as the Zangar Sea, is a hauntingly beautiful swamp covered with a forest of giant mushrooms. Though...
Immerse yourself in the serene beauty of the Jade Forest from World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria. This ambient video...
Friends, if you have any ideas on what i should improve for the upcoming Barrens video, tell me in the...
World of Warcraft Vanilla - Soundtrack Full
©2004 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. World of Warcraft, Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of...
689,630 views Premiered Feb 21, 2021 #blizzard #warcraft #blizzcon #warcraft #blizzard #blizzcon #blizzconline One of my favorite fictional worlds is...
=== WoW Music Videos ===
Tags: youtube, videos, World of Warcraft, music, video player
Requires at least: 5.0
Tested up to: 6.3
Requires PHP: 7.2
Stable tag: 1.1
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
Display and manage World of Warcraft music videos with a unified player and category filters.
== Description ==
**WoW Music Videos** is a plugin that lets you display and manage a collection of World of Warcraft-themed music videos. Using a unified YouTube player and dynamic category filters, users can easily explore and play videos.
– Unified YouTube player at the top of the video list.
– Scrollable list of videos with thumbnails, titles, and descriptions.
– Dynamic category filtering.
– Add, edit, and delete videos from the WordPress admin.
– Manage video categories via the admin panel.
– Responsive design for front-end displays.
– Shortcode `wow_music_videos` to display the video player and list on any page or post.
== Installation ==
1. Upload the plugin files to the `/wp-content/plugins/wow-music-videos` directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
3. Use the shortcode `wow_music_videos` to display the video player and list on any page or post.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= How do I add videos? =
– Go to the “WoW Music Videos” admin page.
– Add the video title, YouTube URL/ID, description, and select a category.
– Click “Add Video.”
= How do I display the videos on my site? =
– Use the `wow_music_videos` shortcode on any page or post.
= How do I manage categories? =
– Go to “WoW Music Videos > Categories” in the WordPress admin.
– Add, edit, or delete categories from this page.
= Can I filter videos by category? =
– Yes, the front-end display includes a category dropdown filter to display only relevant videos.
== Screenshots ==
1. **Admin Panel:** Add and manage videos from the WordPress admin.
2. **Front-End Display:** Unified YouTube player with a scrollable and filterable video list.
== Changelog ==
= 1.1 =
– Added scrollable video list functionality.
– Improved category management system.
– Implemented dynamic category filtering on the front-end.
= 1.0 =
– Initial release with unified video player and admin management.
== Upgrade Notice ==
= 1.1 =
This update includes new features like scrollable video lists and dynamic category filters. It is recommended to back up your database before upgrading.
== License ==
This plugin is free software and is released under the GPLv2 license.
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