Simple Translate Plugin
A WordPress plugin that uses the Google Translation API to translate text in a user-friendly interface.
== Description ==
WP Google Translate allows you to easily translate text between multiple languages using the Google Translation API. It features a simple, intuitive interface for both administrators and visitors. The plugin is ideal for websites that need dynamic, multilingual support.
== Features ==
– Translate text between multiple languages.
– User-friendly interface for text input and translation results.
– Dropdowns for source and target language selection.
– AJAX-based translation for fast, dynamic results.
– Easy-to-use shortcode: `google_translate_form`.
– Google API key configuration in the WordPress admin panel.
== Installation ==
1. Download the plugin zip file.
2. Go to the WordPress admin dashboard and navigate to `Plugins > Add New`.
3. Click `Upload Plugin`, select the plugin zip file, and click `Install Now`.
4. Activate the plugin.
5. Go to `Settings > Google Translate` and enter your Google API key.
== Shortcode ==
Use the following shortcode to display the translation form:
You can place this shortcode in any post, page, or widget.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Where do I get a Google Translation API key? =
You can obtain an API key from the Google Cloud Console. Visit [Google Cloud Console]( to set up a project and enable the Translation API.
= What are the minimum requirements for this plugin? =
– WordPress 5.0 or higher.
– PHP 7.2 or higher.
= Can I add more languages? =
Yes, you can add additional language options in the shortcode rendering function in the plugin file.
== Screenshots ==
1. The translation form with source and target language dropdowns.
2. The admin settings page for entering the Google API key.
== Changelog ==
= 1.0 =
* Initial release.
== Upgrade Notice ==
= 1.0 =
Initial release. Add your Google API key in the settings to start translating!
== License ==
This plugin is open source and released under the GPLv2 license.
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