Nasa WordPress Plugin

NASA Data Display plugin, along with their parameters:

1. Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD)

  • Shortcode: nasa_apod
  • Description: Displays NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day with the title, date, image, and description.
  • Usage:

2. Mars Rover Photos

  • Shortcode: nasa_mars_rover

    Usage Example

    • To get the most recent photos: nasa_mars_rover rover="curiosity" camera="NAVCAM"
    • To specify a date, you can still use: nasa_mars_rover rover="curiosity" camera="NAVCAM" date="2021-08-15"
  • Parameters:
    • rover: Name of the Mars rover (e.g., “curiosity”, “opportunity”, “spirit”). Default is “curiosity”.
    • camera: Camera type (e.g., “FHAZ” for Front Hazard, “RHAZ” for Rear Hazard). Default is “FHAZ”.
    • date: Earth date in the format YYYY-MM-DD to retrieve photos taken on that date.
  • Description: Displays recent photos taken by a selected Mars rover.
  • Usage:
    [nasa_mars_rover rover=”curiosity” camera=”NAVCAM”]

3. Earth Observation

  • Shortcode: nasa_earth_observation
  • Parameters:
    • lat: Latitude for the location. Default is “1.5”.
    • lon: Longitude for the location. Default is “100.75”.
  • Description: Displays a satellite image of Earth from a specific latitude and longitude.
  • Usage:
  • Default location: [nasa_earth_observation]

4. Near-Earth Objects (NEO)

  • Shortcode: nasa_near_earth
  • Parameters:
    • start_date: Start date for the NEO data in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
    • end_date: End date for the NEO data in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
  • Description: Shows data on near-Earth objects detected in a specific date range, including size and velocity.
  • Usage:
    [nasa_near_earth start_date="2022-02-22" end_date="2022-02-23"]


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