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Let's Talk Openly About AWS: Questions, Tips & Experiences

An open space for discussing all things AWS. Whether you're new to Amazon Web Services or a seasoned pro, share your experiences, ask questions, and exchange tips. Let's talk openly about the challenges, best practices, and the evolving world of cloud solutions!

Let's Talk Openly About AWS: Questions, Tips & Experiences

AWS's MySQL Extended Support unfair

An open space for discussing all things AWS. Whether you're new to Amazon Web Services or a seasoned pro, share your experiences, ask questions, and exchange tips. Let's talk openly about the challenges, best practices, and the evolving world of cloud solutions! If anyone else is facing similar challenges with AWS MySQL Extended Support or looking for cost-effective alternatives, we're here to help. Whether it’s moving to a standalone EC2 instance or exploring other options, we can provide tailored solutions to meet your needs and help you manage your database infrastructure more efficiently. Don't hesitate to reach out for support!


Beware of AWS Business Support: It Could Cost You

I’ve been using AWS Business Support for an extended period, and while the support team generally offers good guidance, there have been instances where their suggestions did not align with best practices or even caused additional issues. One significant problem I encountered involved the management of an AWS MySQL database. We were experiencing performance issues after an upgrade and reached out to AWS Business Support for help. The recommendations we received led us down a path that not only failed to resolve the issue but also exacerbated the problem, leading to increased costs.


Confused About AWS Billing

Confusion with their AWS billing. I’ve been noticing some charges under "OTHER" services in my billing reports, but I can’t seem to get a clear explanation of what these costs are for, despite multiple inquiries with AWS support.



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